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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pining For: Paper Crown

(Photos by Christopher Patey)

If you didn't know this about me already, let me make it clear: I love Lauren Conrad. Girl is fabulous, and basically has the closet of my dreams. Classic, feminine, fierce. so, needless to say, when she designs, I pay attention.

Anyways, she recently posted a preview of her Paper Crown spring 2013 collection, and I'm a little in love. Can we talk about these clothes? That jacket is what dreams are made of, those skirts are adorable, and I would basically rock that blue long sleeve dress everywhere. Classiest grocery run ever, most stunning girl at the drive-thru, etc etc.

The full preview of the lookbook can be found on her personal site. Picking out my favorites was really hard. And there are more on the paper Crown site that I love, too. Like this dress from her last holiday collection.

Oh, Paper Crown. One day when I am a affluent doctor's wife/entrepreneur I will own something from you. Keep being flawless.


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